You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor is a self help classic that has been around since 1984 and has inspired thousands with its message of positive thinking and self improvement. Proctor was still pumping out his motivational message at the age of 87, right up until his death earlier this year (February 2022). I was subscribed to his Youtube channel and he was still very active.
The book is a quick read but if 200 pages is too much for you, let me summarize You Were Born Rich in one brief paragraph. Work out exactly what you want. Pay yourself first and invest that amount. Create a debt repayment plan. Visualize and expect your goal. Let go and let God. Stay positive. Become a responsible risk-taker. Understand the Law of Attraction. And everything is energy.
It could be the lovechild of Napoleon Hill’s ‘Think and Grow Rich’ and Wallace Wattle’s ‘The Science of Getting Rich.’
Who is the book for?
Anyone looking for a quick hit of optimism and motivation involving money and life. Obviously if you’re not into the whole Rah, Rah, think positive, law of attraction, have faith and everything will be fine, pseudoscience thing then you’re not going to find anything to change your mind here. But if you’re into improving your life and you believe that your thinking and/or your faith is central to changing things for the better, then this book is for you.

I’m giving You Were Born Rich an optimistic 6 Stars out of 10. He lost one star for me when he mentioned life insurance as one of the things required to get rich. My guess is that Bob was pushing life insurance products when he wrote the book. Of course I have no knowledge of this but it felt like a turd in the punch bowl moment when I read it.

Book Details
Book Title: You Were Born Rich
Book Author: Bob Proctor
Book Publisher: LifeSuccess Publications
First published in 1984. This edition is revised and updated in 1997.
Paperback. 201 numbered pages. No index.

Quotes from You Were Born Rich Book
The first step in the creative process is to relax and see yourself already in possession of the good that you desire. The second step is to – Let Go and Let God. Bob Proctor
You cannot strike a bargain with your subconscious mind, because the subconscious has no sense of fairness, no sense of humor, and it cannot even determine what is good or what is bad for you. Every image just IS, to the subconscious mind. Therefore, your negative, worrisome and doubtful images will be accepted just as quickly and as willingly as will your images of prosperity. Bob Proctor
Before any of us can even begin to overcome the poverty which surrounds us in our external world, we must first conquer the impoverishment that is buried deep within ourselves. Bob Proctor
Your ideal, dream or goal – this wealth you wish to see materialize – can only become a desire once it has been properly planted in the subconscious mind. However, once your desire has been firmly established, it is the expectant attitude which ensures that your goal or dream is not uprooted or replaces by any opposing or competing ideas. Bob Proctor
A mind saturated with fear of failure or images of unwanted results, can no more accomplish, create, or produce anything of value, than a stone can violate the law of gravity by flying upwards in the air. You must realize the creator does not alter the law of gravity to accommodate a person who walks off the roof of a house. Bob Proctor
There never is, and there never has been any lack of supply other than that which we have created for ourselves because of our own limited awareness. Bob Proctor
Every physical thing throws off a vibration. Everything which you see, hear, smell, taste, or touch, throws off a vibration because these things, like everything else, are in a constant state of motion. Whenever you get near enough to them to enter into the ‘sphere of vibration,’ you will be affected by that vibration, whether you realize it or not. Bob Proctor
If you sincerely desire to receive something which is new, you must first make room for it by ridding yourself of that which is old. This is the ironclad law of life, and yet, you might encounter one person in a thousand who truly understands it. Bob Proctor
Those individuals who are unaware of these exact laws are planting images of plenty in their minds one minute and then images of poverty the next. They are continually ‘switching’ vibrations, so they are attracting good things one minute and then bad things the next. The sad truth is, the vast majority of people spend their entire lives oscillating between these two extreme positions, with the resulting effect that their lives become disordered and chaotic to the ‘nth’ degree. Bob Proctor

Table of Contents: Book Chapters
- Introduction
- 1. Me and Money
- The Edgewater Beach Hotel
- Money Is Important
- Money Is a Servant
- Money Must Circulate
- Prosperity Consciousness Exercise
- Fear Not
- Understanding Vs. Memorization
- Strength Through Sharing
- Prosperity Consciousness
- There is Real Power Within You
- Mental Money
- 2. How Much is Enough?
- How Much is Enough
- Bloom where you are Planted- Start Now!
- A Part of All you Earn is Yours to Keep
- Your Financial Independence Account
- Orderly Debt Repayment Program
- Debt Clearance Account
- 3. The Image Maker
- You are in Image Maker
- The Minister and the Farmer
- Building the First Chair
- Going to the Movies
- Personal Prosperity
- Persistence Always Pays
- Paul Hutsey’s Story
- 4. Let Go and Let God
- Potential is Everywhere Always
- Let Go and Let God
- Clarence Smithison’s Story
- David and Goliath
- When Times Get Tough
- Do not Force it to Happen
- 5. Expect an Abundance
- The Light Bulb Tale
- As a Man Thinketh
- Pat and John’s Story
- 6. The Law of Vibration and Attraction
- Dr. Wernher von Braun
- Vibration
- Positive and Negative Personalities
- The Brain – The Body
- Everything is Energy, Everything Vibrates
- Let there be Light – Your Connecting Link
- Everything is an Expression of the Same Thing
- Helping Others Feel Better
- Vibrations and Attitude
- Become a Mental Magnet
- The Acorn Analogy
- 7. The Risk-Takers
- The Diving Board Analogy
- Flip Wilson’s Story
- The Young Millionaires
- Fighter Pilot Study
- Risk-Taking vs. Irresponsibility
- Investments
- Business Failures
- 8. The Razor’s Edge
- Heinz Daue’s Story
- Milt Campbell’s Triumph
- First Artificial Heart
- Simulation
- 9. Don’t Think in Reverse
- Let the Dead Bury the Dead
- Polaroid Camera Analogy
- Patti’s Cruise
- The 333 Story
- 10. The Vacuum Law of Prosperity
- Marg Made it Happen
- Why we Hold onto the Old
- Remove the Kinks from your Mind

More on Positive Thinking and Author Bob Proctor
Have you read You Were Born Rich: The Keys to Maximizing the Awesome Potential You Were Born With? How has it changed the way you set goals or live life?
- Bob Proctor Quotes – Browse our list of famous Bob Proctor quotes on positive thinking, inspiration and self improvement.
- Bob Proctor Biography – Information on the motivational speaker and self help author Bob Proctor.
Related authors include: Robin Sharma, Stuart Wilde and Rhonda Byrne.
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