The Secrets of Life by Stuart Wilde is a compilation of thoughts, quotes, tips and life advice by the very fascinating man himself, Stuey. This is a revised and updated version of the book that was first published in 1990. If you’ve read his previous books you’ll be in for no surprises as this is a nice summary of his published works to date.
It’s written in point form with a page or two used for each thought, so there’s no chapters or themes, just Wilde laying down his truth one page at a time.
Stuart Wilde is irreverent, witty, direct, weird, wise, deep, philosophical, funny, quirky, and definitely one of my favorite new age, metaphysical or spiritual authors. He can talk about things of a spiritual nature in an easy to understand manner and you don’t ever get the feeling that he wants you to kiss his toes for blessing you with his wisdom. He gives you information, shares his feelings on it, and lets you decide what to do with it yourself.
Who is the book for?
Definitely anyone who is familiar with the writings of Stuart Wilde as it’s an easy to digest summary in point form. But also those who are new to the author as it’s a good introduction to his thinking on all things spirituality and life. This style of book lends itself to reading one point per day too, so use it in the same way that you brush your teeth each day, but Stuey will brush your mind.

I’m giving The Secrets of Life an interesting 7 Stars out of 10.

Book Details
Book Title: The Secrets of Life
Book Author: Stuart Wilde
Book Publisher: Hay House
First published in 1990. This edition is revised and updated in 2006.
Paperback. 285 numbered pages. No index.

Quotes from The Secrets of Life Book
If you’re going to be in tune with the energy of life, you’ll be living on life-sustaining, natural foods. If you see an ingredient written on the back of a can or a packet of food that you don’t understand, then you know it can’t be very good for you. The life force has easy words, like carrot. Stuart Wilde
The more powerful you are, the more ability you have to materialize your wants. One’s metaphysical strength is like a bank balance. It represents the time lag between what you conceive for your life in your mind and when it actually appears. Stuart Wilde
Weak people imagine forever and nothing shows up. For the less wimpy variety, their thoughts show up in various forms, but it’s less than they’d hoped for. In the strong ones, events show up more or less immediately. The sage can materialize the burning bush in the flick of a thought-form; most others would have difficulty materializing a box of matches over six months. Stuart Wilde
I was watching a bit of ‘freedom and democracy’ on the telly. It looked awfully violent and dangerous to me. I’m not sure how much more freedom and democracy we can take before there’s no one left in the world. Stuart Wilde
There are millions of people who are fringe-dwellers.. that is, they don’t fit in. They’re not terrorists or subversives; they just silently believe in alternative things. It’s as if they’re here on Earth, but they have one foot in a higher dimension. I love the fringe-dwellers because they offer us hope. Stuart Wilde

Table of Contents: Book Chapters
- Introduction
- The Secrets of Life
- About the Author
- Notes

More on Spirituality and Author Stuart Wilde
Have you read The Secrets of Life? How has it changed the way you live life?
- Stuart Wilde Quotes – Browse our list of famous Stuart Wilde quotes on metaphysical thinking, the law of attraction, and living the good life.
- Stuart Wilde Biography – Information on the metaphysical teacher and self help author Stuart Wilde.
Related authors include: Robin Sharma, Bob Proctor and Rhonda Byrne.
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