The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is one of the best selling self-help books of all time. It was first published in 2006, just after the wildly popular documentary of the same name. More than thirty million copies have been sold around the world and the book still sells like hotcakes today.
The secret in The Secret is not really a secret and it’s nothing new. But Byrne has packaged the information well and people from all walks of life have lapped it up. Both the book and the documentary went viral and became a self-improvement phenomenon.
Her main message is that our thinking determines who we are and who we become. Through the law of attraction we create everything in our lives, both the good and the bad.
So you would think that a book promoting complete responsibility for the self would be a disaster in an age where everyone else is to blame for everything bad in our lives. But her genius was to tap into the masses by presenting the information as the Genie in a bottle that will bring you untold riches and good health.
I’m sure many sloths and slobs abandoned the book once they were told that they created their mess and they had to fix it themselves, but I’m betting it inspired many more responsible people to change their thinking and improve their lives.
I have to admit that I started reading The Secret book back when it was first released and I didn’t like it at all. Important things like news, politics, drama and current events had me blinded to anything that could improve my life. But now that I don’t watch any news, don’t believe in the fiction of politics, and have turned off as many mass media created triggers as possible without completely cutting myself off from society, I can see hope. And more than fifteen years after The Secret was first published I can read it, enjoy it, and use it to improve my life.
Who is the book for?
Anyone who wants to improve their thinking and get more from life. If you’re not living your ideal life then you’re not doing something right. Change. Start with a book.

I’m giving The Secret a very positive 8 Stars out of 10. Yes, it’s a sickeningly positive and hopeful book and that’s just fine with me. Just remember to align positive actions with positive thinking and then magic happens.

Book Details
Book Title: The Secret
Book Author: Rhonda Byrne
Book Publisher: Beyond Words Publishing + Atria Books is a division of Simon & Schuster
First published in 2006.
Hardback. 198 numbered pages. No index.

Quotes from The Secret Book
Thoughts are magnetic, and thoughts have a frequency. As you think, those thoughts are sent out into the Universe, and they magnetically attract all like things that are on the same frequency. Everything sent out returns to the source. And that source is You. Rhonda Byrne
The law of attraction is the law of nature. It is impersonal and it does not see good things or bad things. It is receiving your thoughts and reflecting back to you those thoughts as your life experience. The law of attraction simply gives you whatever it is you are thinking about. Rhonda Byrne
The only reason why people do not have what they want is because they are thinking more about what they don’t want than what they do want. Listen to your thoughts, and listen to the words you are saying. The law is absolute and there are no mistakes. Rhonda Byrne
Decide right now that you are going to think only good thoughts. At the same time, proclaim to the Universe that all your good thoughts are powerful, and that any negative thoughts are weak. Rhonda Byrne
You want to become aware of how you’re feeling, and get in tune with how you’re feeling, because it is the fastest way for you to know what you’re thinking. Rhonda Byrne
You don’t see pigs flying because the law of gravity made a mistake and forgot to apply gravity to pigs that day. Likewise, there are no exclusions to the law of attraction. If something came to you, you drew it, with prolonged thought. The law of attraction is precise. Rhonda Byrne
With all that I have read and with all that I have experienced in my own life using The Secret, the power of gratitude stands above everything else. If you only do one thing with the knowledge of The Secret, use gratitude until it becomes your way of life. Rhonda Byrne
The only reason any person does not have enough money is because they are blocking money from coming to them with their thoughts. Every negative thought, feeling, or emotion is blocking your good from coming to you, and that includes money. Rhonda Byrne
When you say ‘I am,’ the words that follow are summoning creation with a mighty force, because you are declaring it to be fact. You are stating it with certainty. Rhonda Byrne

Table of Contents: Book Chapters
- Contents
- Foreword
- The Secret Revealed
- The Secret Made Simple
- How to Use the Secret
- Powerful Processes
- The Secret to Money
- The Secret to Relationships
- The Secret to Health
- The Secret to the World
- The Secret to You
- The Secret to Life
- Biographies

More on the Law of Attraction and Author Rhonda Byrne
Have you read The Secret? How has it changed the way you live life? Do you use the law of attraction to attract good things into your life?
- List of Best Selling Self Help Books – See what other self-improvements books besides The Secret are on the best-sellers of all time list.
- Rhonda Byrne Biography – Information on the life of the Australian author and a list of her other books.
Related authors include: Robin Sharma, Bob Proctor and Stuart Wilde.
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