The number of books I read in 2023 dropped quite a bit on 2022. I finished 50 in 2022 and only got around to reading 33 in 2023. A few personal issues may have been the reason and maybe the books I’m buying are a bit chunkier, who knows. It was a bit of a blah year for me but I still enjoyed my books.
I haven’t been buying too many new books as I already have a few boxes sitting around waiting to be read. I’ve also been a lot more frugal as I’m focusing on increasing my investments. My goal is to become financially free through dividend investing with mostly low cost Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). I wish I started doing this twenty years ago!!
Back to the books of 2023 though. Six of them were biographical, nine of them could be classed as self help and/or new age, five or six were about individual businesses, two were on UFOs or aliens, two were on art and artists, two were about writing books, one was on China and twelve were about money and investing.
So the topics were diverse but I still didn’t read any novels like I said I would. The closest I got was listening to a few audiobooks of poetry and listening to some Shakespeare. I’m not sure why I’m so reluctant to read fiction but I’ll try again in 2024!
Honestly, none of the books I read this year really blew my mind. I enjoyed most of the books that I read but there’s none that I would read twice and I haven’t been running around telling people how great the book I just read was. Morgan Housel’s book was pretty good, I enjoyed it, but I can’t see myself reading it again anytime soon.
The worst books I read were Black + Whiteley by Barry Dickens and Communion by Whitley Strieber. The former is on the famous Australian artist Brett Whiteley and was a miserable book that shouldn’t have been written. And the latter was by fiction writer Whitley Strieber who explores his alien visitations through hypnosis given by Budd Hopkins. I just couldn’t get into the book and wouldn’t recommend it at all.
Top 5 Books I Read in 2023
- The Psychology of Money: Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness by Morgan Housel
- Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One by Dr. Joe Dispenza
- The Big Fella: The Rise And Rise Of BHP Billiton by Robert Macklin and Peter Thompson
- Artists in Conversation by Janet Hawley
- How to Write Non-Fiction: Turn Your Knowledge into Words by Joanna Penn
Other good books I read were The Force by Stuart Wilde, One Up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch and John Rothchild, Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza, and Whispering Winds of Change by Stuart Wilde. See the full list of all 33 books that I read in 2023 here.
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