List of famous Self Improvement quotes and comments by popular authors, educators, world leaders, lecturers, new thought experts, teachers, and positive people. You can see more Popular Book Quotes by browsing our Quotes by People or Quotes by Subject at Think Monk Books.
Famous Self Improvement Quotes and Sayings
You have the power to heal your life, and you need to know that. We think so often that we are helpless, but we’re not. We always have the power of our minds. Louise Hay
There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self. Ernest Hemingway
No matter who you are, no matter what you did, no matter where you’ve come from, you can always change, become a better version of yourself. Madonna
Investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. It will not only improve your life, it will improve the lives of all those around you. Robin Sharma
Related: Investing, Life, and Self Improvement quotes.
If you focus on 1% improvements every day, over time that leads to revolutionary results. So I monomaniacally focused on making progress every single day, around the book, around my message, around my impact, around the craft, and over time the days slipped into weeks, the weeks slipped into months, the months slipped into years, and I built a movement of millions and millions of people around the message. Robin Sharma
Related: Improvement, Change, Growth, and Focus quotes.
Oh yes, whether you accept this or not, you are a lion, not a sheep. A leader, never a victim. A person worthy of exceptional accomplishment, uplifting adventure, flawless contentment and the self-respect that, over time, rises steeply into a reservoir of self-love that no one and no thing can ever conquer. You are a mighty force of nature and a dynamic producer, not a slumbering casualty caught flat-footed in a world of degrading mediocrity, dehumanizing complaint, compliance and entitlement. Robin Sharma
Related: Love, Inspirational, and Leadership quotes.
Fundamental personal change is often painful because it is so very transformational. And we cannot become everything we are meant to be without leaving behind who we once were. Robin Sharma
Related: Change, and Self Improvement quotes.
Of course motivation is not permanent. But then, neither is bathing; but it is something you should do on a regular basis. Zig Ziglar
Related to the Self Improve Quote List
Self Improvement definition: To improve your skills, knowledge, status, character, and other personal traits using your own effort and motivation. Personal development or self improvement should be a life-long pursuit as if one isn’t growing and improving then one is decaying.
Related self improvement quotations: Belief, Change, Improvement, and Inspirational Quotes.
See also: Law of Attraction Books, Motivational Books, and Self Help Books.
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