List of famous Obsession quotes and comments by popular authors, business people, great educators, world leaders, lecturers, teachers, motivational speakers, and positive people. You can see more Popular Book Quotes by browsing our Quotes by People or Quotes by Subject at Think Monk Books.
Famous Obsession Quotes and Sayings
Be obsessed or be average. Grant Cardone
To succeed, work hard, never give up and above all cherish a magnificent obsession. Walt Disney
I probably do have an obsessive personality, but striving for perfection has served me well. Tom Ford
Your ability to use the principle of autosuggestion will depend, very largely, upon your capacity to concentrate upon a given desire until that desire becomes a burning obsession. Napoleon Hill
Color is my daylong obsession, joy, and torment. Claude Monet
Life really does favor the obsessed. Great fortune truly does shine on those mesmerized by their gorgeous ambitions. And the universe most definitely supports the human being unwilling to surrender to the forces of fear, rejection and self-doubt. Robin Sharma
Related: Life, Luck, Ambition, Fear, Doubt, and Obsession quotes.
Related to the Obsessed Quote List
Obsession definition: The persistent preoccupation with a thought, feeling, activity or person. When your thinking is dominated by a desire, image or idea.
Related obsession quotations: Ambition, Motivational, Self Improvement, and Focus Quotes.
See also: Spiritual Books, Positive Thinking Books, and Self Help Books.
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