List of famous Jordan Belfort quotes and sayings by the popular American author, entrepreneur, convicted criminal, and public speaker. Best known for his book on money and excess that was made into a Hollywood movie: The Wolf of Wall Street Book which was first published in 2007.
Best Jordan Belfort Quotes about Investing
Without action, the best intentions in the world are nothing more than that: intentions. Jordan Belfort
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It was the nature of twentieth-century capitalism that everyone should scam everyone, and he who scammed the most ultimately won the game. On that basis, I was the undefeated world champ. Jordan Belfort
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Successful people are 100% convinced that they are masters of their own destiny, they’re not creatures of circumstance, they create circumstance, if the circumstances around them suck they change them. Jordan Belfort
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If I earn a million dollars a week and the average American earns a thousand dollars a week, then when I spend twenty thousand dollars on something it’s the equivalent of the average American spending twenty dollars on something, right? Jordan Belfort
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There’s no nobility in poverty. Jordan Belfort
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When you live your life by poor standards, you inflict damage on everyone who crosses your path, especially those you love. Jordan Belfort
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If you want to be rich, never give up. People tend to give up. If you have persistence, you will come out ahead of most people. More importantly, you will learn. When you do something, you might fail. But that’s not because you’re a failure. It’s because you have not learnt enough. Do it differently each time. One day, you will do it right. Failure is your friend. Jordan Belfort
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The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it. Jordan Belfort
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I’m constantly asking myself questions. And the problem with that is that your brain is like a computer: If you ask a question, it’s programmed to respond, whether there’s an answer or not. I’m constantly weighing everything in my mind and trying to predict how my actions will influence events. Jordan Belfort
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Act as if! Act as if you’re a wealthy man, rich already, and then you’ll surely become rich. Act as if you have unmatched confidence and then people will surely have confidence in you. Jordan Belfort
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I want you to back yourself into a corner. Give yourself no choice but to succeed. Let the consequences of failure become so dire and so unthinkable that you’ll have no choice but to do whatever it takes to succeed. Jordan Belfort
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Find More on Author Jordan Belfort
See also: Famous American Writers, Business Books, and Stock Market Books.
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