List of famous Inspirational quotes and comments by popular authors, educators, world leaders, lecturers, new thought experts, motivational speakers, and positive people. You can see more Popular Book Quotes by browsing our Quotes by People or Quotes by Subject at Think Monk Books.
Famous Inspirational Quotes and Sayings
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. Winston Churchill
The observer effect in quantum physics states that where you direct your attention is where you place your energy. As a consequence, you affect the material world. Joe Dispenza
If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward. Martin Luther King
Oh yes, whether you accept this or not, you are a lion, not a sheep. A leader, never a victim. A person worthy of exceptional accomplishment, uplifting adventure, flawless contentment and the self-respect that, over time, rises steeply into a reservoir of self-love that no one and no thing can ever conquer. You are a mighty force of nature and a dynamic producer, not a slumbering casualty caught flat-footed in a world of degrading mediocrity, dehumanizing complaint, compliance and entitlement. Robin Sharma
Related: Love, Inspirational, and Leadership quotes.
I just really, really, really want to teach people the mechanics and tactics of elite performance and genius, so I deconstruct these things. Robin Sharma
Related: Inspirational, Education, and Teacher quotes.
Life really does favor the obsessed. Great fortune truly does shine on those mesmerized by their gorgeous ambitions. And the universe most definitely supports the human being unwilling to surrender to the forces of fear, rejection and self-doubt. Robin Sharma
Related: Life, Luck, Ambition, Fear, Doubt, and Obsession quotes.
Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. George Bernard Shaw
We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. Oscar Wilde
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Inspirational definition: To be encouraged, to be hopeful and inspired to do something creative or important. The motivational speaker gave me plenty of encouragement and inspired me to start my own business and make it a great success.
Related inspirational quotations: Life, Motivational, Self Improvement, and Great Quotes.
See also: Law of Attraction Books, Positive Thinking Books, and Self Help Books.
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