Directory of famous Energy quotes and comments by best-selling authors, spiritual leaders, business people, great educators, world leaders, lecturers, teachers, motivational speakers, and popular people. You can see more Notable Quotes by browsing our Quotes by People or Quote Subject at Think Monk Books.
Famous Energy Quotes and Sayings
I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship. Brene Brown
Even though the body appears to be material, it is not. In the deeper reality, your body is a field of energy, transformation and intelligence. Deepak Chopra
Energy and persistence conquer all things. Benjamin Franklin
Give your dreams all you’ve got, and you’ll be amazed at the energy that comes out of you. William James
Everything is out there waiting for you. All you have to do is walk up and declare yourself in. No need for permission. You just need courage to say, “Include me”. Providing you have the energy to pull it off you can do what you like. And the Universal Law, being impartial, will be only too delighted to deliver. Stuart Wilde
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If you’re going to be in tune with the energy of life, you’ll be living on life-sustaining, natural foods. If you see an ingredient written on the back of a can or a packet of food that you don’t understand, then you know it can’t be very good for you. The life force has easy words, like carrot. Stuart Wilde
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Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you. Oprah Winfrey
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Energy definition: The vitality necessary for physical or mental tasks. Energy is the power manifested when something is exerted, burned, or moved. We’ll mostly be referring to spiritual energy or psychic energy which is a force within that is referred to in religions, spirituality and esoteric writings.
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