The Secrets of Life by Stuart Wilde is a compilation of thoughts, quotes, tips and life advice by the very fascinating man himself, Stuey. This is a revised and updated version of the book that was first published in 1990. If you've read his previous books you'll be in for no surprises as this is a nice summary of his published works to date. It's written in point form with … [Read more...] about The Secrets of Life Book by Stuart Wilde
List of famous writers and best-selling authors from around the world.
Published Authors A to Z
- Jordan Belfort
American writer, public speaker, entrepreneur and convicted criminal who wrote the Wolf on Wall Street book. - Rhonda Byrne
Inspirational new thought writer known for the Secret book discussing the law of attraction. - Ross Coulthart
Investigative journalist and author based in Australia. - Joe Dispenza
Bestselling American writer, chiropractor and lecturer. - Richard Dolan
Author and researcher looking into aliens and UFOs. - Louise Hay
Best-selling American author and self-help book publisher of Hay House. - Robert Hughes
Australian born writer, art critic, biographer and essayist. - Vex King -
- Matthew LaCroix
American esoteric author and researcher looking into ancient civilizations, secret societies and spiritual knowledge. - Burton G. Malkiel
Best selling American finance writer of the classic stock market investing book A Random Walk Down Wall Street. - Norman Vincent Peale
Best selling American self help author and clergyman who wrote the wildly popular "The Power of Positive Thinking" book. - Hugh Pope -
- Bob Proctor
Motivational speaker, law of attraction expert, and self help author. - Robin Sharma
Popular Canadian self improvement author with books like the 5am Club. - Paul Wallis
Australian author exploring religion, ancient history, indigenous cultures and aliens. - Hugh White -
- Stuart Wilde
Author of more than twenty spirituality and self improvement books, many of them classics in the new age field. - Larry Winget -
The Wolf of Wall Street Book by Jordan Belfort
The Wolf of Wall Street by Jordan Belfort is an autobiographical peek into a drug addled narcissist who used and abused people while running pump and dump scams at his Stratton Oakmont brokerage house. This is not a book about having too much money or being too greedy, it's a book about sociopathy and an excess of drugs and alcohol. Money is good in the hands of a good … [Read more...] about The Wolf of Wall Street Book by Jordan Belfort
Robin Sharma Quotes
List of famous Robin Sharma quotes and sayings by the popular Canadian author, life coach and motivational speaker. Best known for his inspiring books like: The Everyday Hero Manifesto: Activate Your Positivity, Maximize Your Productivity, Serve the World which was first published in 2021. Best Robin Sharma Quotes about Motivation Ordinary people love entertainment. … [Read more...] about Robin Sharma Quotes
Burton Malkiel Quotes
List of famous Burton G. Malkiel quotes and sayings by the popular American author and economist. Best known for his financial classic: A Random Walk Down Wall Street: The Time-tested Strategy for Successful Investing which was first published in 1973. Best Burton Malkiel Quotes about Finance The only people who should pray for higher stock prices are people who are in … [Read more...] about Burton Malkiel Quotes
You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor
You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor is a self help classic that has been around since 1984 and has inspired thousands with its message of positive thinking and self improvement. Proctor was still pumping out his motivational message at the age of 87, right up until his death earlier this year (February 2022). I was subscribed to his Youtube channel and he was still very active. … [Read more...] about You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor
The Everyday Hero Manifesto by Robin Sharma
The Everyday Hero Manifesto: Activate Your Positivity, Maximize Your Productivity, Serve the World by Robin Sharma is memoir/self help hybrid book. It probably would have been slightly more successful if he chose one or the other path but it still wasn't enough to put me off the book. I liked it so much that I was disappointed when I finished it. Sure it has some flaws but … [Read more...] about The Everyday Hero Manifesto by Robin Sharma
A Random Walk Down Wall Street Book by Burton G. Malkiel
A Random Walk Down Wall Street: The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing by Burton G. Malkiel is an investing classic that has been around since 1973 and has had multiple revisions and updates to keep up with the times. This 2020 edition that I have just read even discusses bitcoin and crypto currencies! Don't expect much information on piling all of your wealth … [Read more...] about A Random Walk Down Wall Street Book by Burton G. Malkiel