List of famous Burton G. Malkiel quotes and sayings by the popular American author and economist. Best known for his financial classic: A Random Walk Down Wall Street: The Time-tested Strategy for Successful Investing which was first published in 1973.
Best Burton Malkiel Quotes about Finance
The only people who should pray for higher stock prices are people who are in retirement who are liquidating their portfolios. Everybody else should actually be very happy when stock prices go down. Burton G. Malkiel
Related: Retirement, Stock Market, Investor, and Stock quotes.
Greed run amok has been an essential feature of every spectacular boom in history. In their frenzy, market participants ignore firm foundations of value for the dubious but thrilling assumption that they can make a killing by building castles in the air. Burton G. Malkiel
Related: Greed, Stocks, Stock Markets, Booms, and Investor quotes.
I’m not saying you should necessarily index everything, but there’s enough evidence in favor of it, the core of your portfolio ought to be indexed, and then if you want to trial something active around the edges, you do so with much less risk. Burton G. Malkiel
Related: Portfolio, Investing, and Index quotes
The harsh truth is that the most important driver in the growth of your assets is how much you save, and saving requires discipline. Without a regular savings program, it doesn’t matter if you make 5 percent, 10 percent, or even 15 percent on your investment funds. The single most important thing you can do to achieve financial security is to begin a regular savings program and to start it as early as possible. Burton G. Malkiel
Related: Financial Freedom, Discipline, Investments, and Saving quotes.
I find it’s always two thirds of active managers who are beaten by a simple index that does nothing but buys and holds all the stocks. And the one third that beat the index in one period aren’t the same ones who beat it in the next period. Burton G. Malkiel
Related: Index Funds, Managed Funds, and Stock quotes.
In the 1990s, the ratio of buy to sell recommendations climbed to 100 to 1, particularly for brokerage firms with large investment banking businesses. Burton G. Malkiel
Related: Brokers, Booms, and Stock Market quotes.
I’m not sure about a lot of things, the only thing I’m absolutely sure about is that the lower the fee I pay, the more there’ll be for me. Burton G. Malkiel
Related: Index, and Fee quotes.
Buy and hold still works because if you try to time, you’re more likely to do worse rather than better because you typically buy when everyone’s optimistic, which is typically the top of the market, and you’ll sell at periods like today when everybody’s scared to death. Time will tell, but I think that people who are selling their stocks today are very unlikely to be making the right decision. Burton G. Malkiel
Related: Investing, Market Timing, Fear, Greed, and Stock quotes.
For many of us, trying to outguess the market is a game that is much too much fun to give up. Even if you were convinced you would not do any better than average, I’m sure that most of you with speculative temperaments would still want to keep on playing the game of selecting individual stocks with at least some portion of the money you invest. Burton G. Malkiel
Related: Risk, Stocks, Money, and Gambling quotes.
I do recommend instead of trying to time the market is so-called dollar cost averaging. Nobody can time the market. I’ve never known anybody who can time the market. Burton G. Malkiel
Related: Market Timing, and Investing quotes.
When people try to time the market, they usually get in at the top and get out at the bottom. You see it with mutual fund flows, you see it with pension funds. Burton G. Malkiel
Related: Investor, Managed Funds, and Market Timing quotes
Find More on Burton Gordon Malkiel
- A Random Walk Down Wall Street Book written by Burton G. Malkiel
- Burton G. Malkiel Biography at ThinkMonk.com
See also: Famous American Writers, Business Books, and Stock Market Investing Books.
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